Are Truetone power supplies Carbon Free?

“CarbonFree” is a trademark of, which is a non-profit that collects annual membership dues from individuals and businesses who want to “offset” their carbon footprint. The dues are used in part to do some good work, planting trees and even helping communities in developing countries with energy efficiency. However, we looked at their financials…

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Do Truetone pedals have “true-bypass”?

They do now! The V3 Series pedals include true bypass as an option that you can use with or without our Pure Tone buffer. However, we’ve done true bypass our way, which is reliable and quiet. We designed our own “Forever Footswitch” which has a Lifetime Warranty along with the rest of the pedal… it…

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Is the compressor section of the Route 66 based on the Ross or Dyna Comp?

The Ross and Dyna Comp circuits are almost identical to each other (except for maybe one resistor and one capacitor). However, the Route 66 takes those designs and combines them with our Pure Tone buffer, an original tone circuit, a pre-amp circuit and a Clean Mix circuit, giving it far more flexibility and clean headroom…

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Did the 1 SPOT burn up my Boss unit?

We have used the 1 SPOT (as have thousands of other people) with just about all the Boss pedals and they normally work fine together. The Boss PSA adapter puts out about 9.6VDC and so does the 1 SPOT. The 1 SPOT also has circuit protection built into it so that it really can’t pass…

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