
We are here to help you!

Truetone products have a warranty which is in effect for one year from the date of purchase for all new equipment, except for the 1 SPOT Pro models which have a 5 year warranty. Repairs within these periods will be free of charge if the problem is from a manufacturing defect and is not caused by the end user. Unauthorized modifications done to Truetone/Visual Sound products will void the warranty, even if done by techs who specialize in "mods".  If you have a problem with a Truetone pedal, please contact us for advice or repairs.

Please contact Truetone before sending anything in for repair. Thank you.

If you have a problem or question, please email (support @ truetone dot com). Truetone customer service does not receive questions posted in this warranty registration form.
If you need support service, simply go here


  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY

General Warranty Information and FAQ:

  • Limited Lifetime Warranty: Truetone V3, Visual Sound V3 and V2 Series pedals only.
  • 1 Year Warranty: All other products (including Visual Volume)


Do I have to register on this form to get warranty coverage?


Yes. We’ll try to help you even if your dog ate the receipt, but registering here will ensure that you’re covered.


What about the V2 Series pedal I bought back in 2008?


It’s covered under the Limited Lifetime Warranty


What about discontinued V2 and V3 Series pedals?


We will repair them, if possible. If we can’t repair them, we will replace them with whatever Truetone products are the nearest equivalent at the time.


What about the V1 “flat top” pedals that came out before the V2 Series?


Sorry, V1 pedals have not been made since 2007, so they are out of warranty, even if you bought “new old stock” from somebody on eBay.


What about products that were damaged in a fire, flood, earthquake, beer-spill, or other disasters?


We don’t generally cover disaster damage, but contact us and we’ll try to help you out.


What does the Limited Lifetime Warranty cover?


It covers the basic electronic functionality of the pedal. It does not cover cosmetic damage such as worn paint or silkscreens, rust, dirt, etc.


What if Truetone goes out of business?


We’ve been around since 1995, so that’s very unlikely. That’s why we’re able to offer a Limited Lifetime Warranty on many of our products. Lord willing, we’ll be here to help you for a very long time.

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